Where we can watch and relate to wildlife in a suburban backyard.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Ahhh, love that banana!
Yes, thats Charlie again. I think the storm we had last night upset their normal feeding times. Charlie showed up this morning with his sister - very hungry .
thanks for stopping by my blog...i thought i'd see what was happening in 'your world'. what beautiful pictures!! we get raccoons...and possums...the night critters...but i have yet to get a good picture!! yours are terrific! and the flowers...beautiful. i'll be looking forward to seeing MORE!! :) laura
This has been such a crazy weather year for us here in Iowa, but my terrier tells me that the early winter is coming, as she's already been catching mice trying to make their way into a winter abode.
Your wildlife shots are so much fun, love the critters too!
We seem to be just out of the area for possums. I have only seen one young groundhog this year. Never seen any porcupines, probably too built up.
Raccoons will eat just about anything, be it vegatable or animal. They should never be fed anything with sugar though. Nor anything containing chocolate. Baby raccoons should NEVER be fed cows milk. (Sadly a common mistake). Best food for them is dry dog food, chicken-rice formula is something the love.
Usually the banana I give them is just past it's best - still fresh though.
Ah yes, I get the feeling fall weather may be early this year. Most of the birds have vanished form my feeder.
Hold it Rusty! Sorry gang - I just realized I made a comment up there that could be taken the wrong way. Dry dog foor is for young or full grown raccoons - NOT baby coonies. Perhaps the best milk for baby raccoons is the same stuff they sell for kittens. I have no experience in that area, but I have been told (if needed) to get the dry formula and mix what you need yourself.
The best place to follow up on this sort of rescue topic is RR6PUBLIC in the Yahoo groups. ATB!
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Danish scurvy-grass Cochlearia danica
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can be...
Time Is Money
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notice. Belgaum still lay some distance away. We had time on hand.
Happy New Year 2025
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looking forward to travelling in 2025.
Welcome aboard our working boat ...
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I've mislaid Me, the me with a capital M. The Me that was strong and
capable and bloody minded and able to withstand and stare down most things.
A counsel...
Dear Blog friends far and near,
After goodness knows how many years of doing this blog I have finally
decided to call it a day. As you know I am on 'E...
Our Final Blog Post
Dear Family and Friends,
I have pretty much stopped blogging. In the past, I would post to the
blog, publish it and then link it to my facebook. Over ...
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this ha...
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failed as w...
My Heart Is Broken
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massive stroke and I don't think my heart will ever be whole again. If
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of January. I had a lovely walk around the neighborhood where I looked at
A transformation...
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yes, she has been sold and the kids that bought her
are totally smitten with her charm.
All t...
On walking the walk
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still processing the ending of my 27 year marriage a few months prior. It
There are times when all I remember of my dreams is the colour green. Neither
detail nor narrative survives my awakening, but a colour does. And even ...
Visitor at my feeders
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saying that if pictures of a raptor bother you, please move on. Hawks
aren't everyb...
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trousers, Grommit… and they’ve gone wrong!”) I have been researching the
Two years later
I'm not much of a blogger any more, especially not much of a fish blogger.
My last post, A blank slate, was supposed to be my story of how I created a
new ...
Bugs on Flowers
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close-ups? Identifying a spider. I knew this was a crab spider, so I had a
Molly's Buckle
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be closer to the highway to catch the school bus otherwise we would be
Happy 2017!
Thank you for your lovely comments and goodbyes on my former post.
Also thank you for the many e-mails which I'll answer soon.
I think about all I want to s...
This is a picture of my dear friend VAN. I have chosen her for this post
not just for her name but also for her VICTORY. This photo was taken in
June ...
Summer birds gone... Goodbye, painted buntings. I enjoyed seeing you, house
finches. Indigo buntings, I miss you.
Winter birds, not here yet. Sparrows of t...
My name is June and I'm a blogger
I'm still here.
Over here, behind the floor plant, leaning to my extreme right, trying to
get some lamplight onto my knitting in order to save my sight un...
The day I have been patiently waiting for has finally arrived...Miss P,
our precious little ginger haired girl...
can sport a bow!!! Oh, the little things....
Ravens The Problem with Image
I grew up in the north about 600 miles south of the treeline. It was
inhabited by many ravens. We didn't see them too often in the summer but as
the cold w...
*Early morning…a great blue heron takes a drink from the rain-refurbished
It rained last night. A long, soaking drizzle which...
running after light to fend off the mosquitoes
Over the weekend, I found myself able to head out with my camera at dusk.
Since my big fancy camera is in the shop, I ended up walking around with
just my ...
Guess who won 50 bucks!
In a contest for bad behavior! Oh.....that would be this one. A couple
weeks ago my sister told me I needed to enter a contest her pet store was
Who doesn’t love to step outside and snip some fresh herbs for cooking? I
had a lot of them at our old home but they were out in the garden and that
The (internet) times are changing!
As you'll see my blog posts are becoming fewer and fewer as I'm
fine-tuning! I'll now be posting more on our Facebook page and on our
newly-created "What'...
Back.. late 2015
Hello world.. I seem to be back – a bit surprised to see how long since I
last posted anything here, but the time for notes and musings from the
border to...
More Gulf Shores, 11/6/2015
When I stepped out of my room at 5:45 a.m. to go to the beach, I
encountered really thick fog and decided that I'd skip trying to get there
in time to gre...
WSD Calendar 2016 - 'Heart Of Giving'
*Dear Animal Lover*
There is tremendous power that comes with the act of giving. Over the
years, there’s been much that you have given us. Be it nur...
Third raccoon release and stinker release!
A lot of releases going on this past week! It was a slow season for
stinkers, but I did have 7 late little cuties come in! All adorable and all
did great...
mayday mayday
four May Days so far.
day 1...
another first time sighting of a bird!
or maybe they were here in the past and i just never noticed them. but i
Perfumes and Other Delights
April has put on her party dress. Dogwoods, redbuds, cherries and
crabapples are flouncing their fancy petals and the air is rich with heady
perfumes o...
Milk it Does a Body Good!
Yes, it's true, Prairie Gothic is adding a second location right on Highway
66. Now, tell me childhood dreams don't come true. See you in May Oklahoma
Exploding Head
Hmmmm, it has a name. I can add this to the list of my syndromes. It's not
a joke; you can Google for it, and read about it. Of course, my head
doesn't rea...
Outdoor portraits in winter? No problem!
I've been having a ball with outdoor portrait shoots this winter.
I love the muted colors and depth you get in the woods.
It also gives me an excuse to bre...
What, a new blog post??
Yep, that’s right.
I’ve been driven to it by the hardships of my life.
Normally I can handle my self-imposed solitude; month after month alone in
the bush,...
The hog is back...
...good thing too as I've just stocked up on a whole load of mealworms.
I think I'd best clean out and refresh that water bowl tomorrow. It looks
rather g...
Old blue eyes
It has taken me several years to notice that my Orfe has got the most
lovely blue eyes. I still am unsure whether ‘Goldy’ is a female or male
fish. I thi...
The Baltimore Orioles have arrived!
One of my favorite birds to host in my backyard in the summer is the
Baltimore Oriole. For the last couple years I have been lucky to have two
nesting pair...
Poem by Rolf Jacobsen
Returning after a three year absence. So here is a beautiful poem
as a passport for re-entry.
It's by Rolf Jacobsen.
There's a second ...
M. Gary
I was greatly saddened a couple of days ago to learn of the passing of an
old friend, M. Gary.
Herve Gary was a local farmer and I often turned to him t...
It's that time of year
most of our feathered friends
migrate to
better climes.
It seems that Blogger and I have reached that time too.
This will be th...
*In an extremely sad and sickening turn of events, our government has
finally lost its collective mind. Their moral compass is completely broken
and their ...
Nana's AHA! Moment
I had an AHA moment last week. It was the kind that, when allowed to sink
in, changes your way of thinking from that moment forward. It was right
there s...
That's all folks!!!!!!!!!
Some of you may have heard that Piston Broke has been sold and tomorrow
(Wednesday) is moving day. We have been busy packing and now the boat has a
bit o...
Newborn Fawn
Years and years of wildlife photography, 1000's of miles on the odometer,
and hours upon hours I can never get back (or want to), searching f...
My new blog
Well I tried to go to Wordpress but I found it too difficult so I decided
to do my new blog on blogger. I already know what to do here so it made the
I'm pretty sure I can think of....
...eight hundred thousand miserable things I would rather be doing than
raking, blowing, or walking on leaves!
But until that work is done, I can only loo...
Stinkin' Cute
[image: DSCF2131]
Her default character is calm, content, and happy but Bella became eerily
quiet last winter. She knew she was missing something or s...
The Age in Which We Live
E and I went camping with some friends from church a few weeks ago, and
while there I was reminded of the bit done by comedian Louis CK; his thesis
was "e...
In honor of Bernie
This was in the paper recently to honor our mother...
Bernie's children (Julianne and James) have blogs at these two location
Same World, Different Perceptions
The article I'm linking to today, The Six Most-Mind-Blowing Animal Senses,
is on a humor site (Cracked.com). That doesn't mean the facts stated aren't
If anyone still reads my blog anymore, you're probably wondering what
happened. It's pretty embarrassing I only posted twice last year, and
haven't posted ...
A Surprise Harvest
At some time during the spring, I had some potatoes in the kitchen that had
turned soft and had started to sprout and, for whatever reason, it was more
Back on the Leeds Liverpool
As expected, we didn't do the Ribble Link on Saturday & we were told it
would probably be Monday or Tuesday but there was an 20% chance that it
could be Su...
Since the Time Out Corner has been so quiet {likely cuz I got jacked by FB
and don't watch those peeps in RR6 much lately} .... if you have a post you
*Autumn in the Waikato*
This picture was taken at the peak of our autumn just about three weeks
ago. Right now most autumn trees have dropped their bright...
Amphenon as Creative Web Design
Web design is the art of creating web pages, this emphasis on creativity
and use of technologies such as the use of HTML, CSS, ASP, SSL, PHP, XML
and other...
Deeds not Words
God made the illusion look real
and the real an illusion
He concealed the sea
and made the foam visible
the wind invisible
and the dust manifest
you see...
October notes
Some interesting things are going on this month in nature around Fairfield
Glade. Here is some information on three short October subjects.
If you haven...
Found this old thing. Wrote it in September. Publishing it now. *Shrug*
Pssssst.... You out there? *cough cough*
*If anyone is interested we will be starting a new Blog about life after
Animal Rescuers Answering Machine Message
Hello, You have reached 555-5555, Animal Rescue. Due to the high volume of
calls we have been receiving, please listen closely to the following
options and...
We spent a brief, but fantastic weekend in York. Though we left only 24
hours after we arrived we managed to fit so much in. Our plan was to begin
by visit...
Do you get many 'possums? Our Herman loved bananas.
thanks for stopping by my blog...i thought i'd see what was happening in 'your world'. what beautiful pictures!! we get raccoons...and possums...the night critters...but i have yet to get a good picture!! yours are terrific! and the flowers...beautiful. i'll be looking forward to seeing MORE!! :) laura
This has been such a crazy weather year for us here in Iowa, but my terrier tells me that the early winter is coming, as she's already been catching mice trying to make their way into a winter abode.
Your wildlife shots are so much fun, love the critters too!
I like Charlie. I wonder what he likes to eat.
That was weird. When I read this it said Love that Bandana...and I was looking at the photo for a bandana. I need my glasses fixed, ha.
Do you put out fresh bananas for them.
Mmm, mmm. Yum. My bunnies love bananas, too.
We seem to be just out of the area for possums. I have only seen one young groundhog this year. Never seen any porcupines, probably too built up.
Raccoons will eat just about anything, be it vegatable or animal. They should never be fed anything with sugar though. Nor anything containing chocolate. Baby raccoons should NEVER be fed cows milk. (Sadly a common mistake). Best food for them is dry dog food, chicken-rice formula is something the love.
Usually the banana I give them is just past it's best - still fresh though.
Ah yes, I get the feeling fall weather may be early this year. Most of the birds have vanished form my feeder.
Hold it Rusty! Sorry gang - I just realized I made a comment up there that could be taken the wrong way. Dry dog foor is for young or full grown raccoons - NOT baby coonies. Perhaps the best milk for baby raccoons is the same stuff they sell for kittens. I have no experience in that area, but I have been told (if needed) to get the dry formula and mix what you need yourself.
The best place to follow up on this sort of rescue topic is RR6PUBLIC in the Yahoo groups. ATB!
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