Suburban Wildlife

Where we can watch and relate to wildlife in a suburban backyard.
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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Balloon Flower - a day at a time.

It's Summer

Starting to bloom

This should give me a chance to photograph some butterflys before too long.

Kimmie and gang came for supper

Kimmie was in a very relazed mood. Her youngsters were in a very playful mood - all behaving very well and practically setting up the entire photo session by themselves.

Kimmie Supervising the Antics of her kits

You can see how relaxed she was last night. I was right up close to her, and her youngsters were all around me looking for food. My main problem was how to swat mosquitos while taking the photographs.

Getting Told Off!

Well sometimes things do get a little out of paw (hand) - but mom is quick to check the situation.

Smile Mom!

Smug - or just ate too much?

I can't help but think this little guy looks like a politician. It's quite surprising at how fast they grow. By the fall they will be almost full grown.

Singing For His Supper.

Or perhaps just laughing at me swatting mosquitos.

Finding the treats

But not too busy to give a cute pose. This is one of Kimmie's wilder kits.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Chloe Returns With Her Family

Chloe came by last night with her entire family. It seems she only has two kits this year. As usual they all seemed very healthy and easy to get along with. (Unlike three if Kimmies youngsters who are 'grabby' and one might say bratty). It was hard to get a photograph of the little ones as they wanted to check out the camera or climb up on my knee to beg for a treat.

One of Chole's kits - with good manners.

Somehow her youngsters are always easy going. They are inquisitive, and accept treats slowly and carefully. There is little risk of getting scratched by her youngsters.

Mother Chloe

Chloe has all her new fur, has put on a little weight, and is looking extremely well.

Afternoon Shadows

Now In Full Glory!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Big Momma, aka Kimmie.

Just a couple or 'portraits' of Kimmie that I took last week. Though Kimmie is very big for a raccoon, she has a very passive, almost friendly nature. A beautiful critter.

Kimmie Speaks Out...

Actually thats not true. Kimmie is simply chewing on a bit of dry dog food.

Tell you more later.