Suburban Wildlife

Where we can watch and relate to wildlife in a suburban backyard.
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Saturday, January 1, 2011

About Time You Showed Up!

I think thats what this character was tellingme this morning. OK,I was NOT up late last night, I was NOT at a party, but I was getting a very nice sleep 'till you guys woke me this morning.

I am no having much luck getting photos of the larger birds at the feeder - it's probably too close to the door so the slightest movement on my part and they scram.

The raccoons seem to be still sleeping but my friendly skunk drops in just about every night.

OK, I give up - these squirrels seem to love having their photo taken (as long as I feed them) - so squirrel photos it is for now.

Best wishes for a very Happy New Year toone and all. ATB! Rusty

I though you were never going to wake up today!

Sassy grey! No, this is not Napoleon, but is almost as - hm, pushy?
Watching carefully, this just may be the mother squirrel I photographed back in October.

A Feast for the New Year.

Wet snow, light fog - the squirrels are enjoying the feast.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Regular Visitor

It seems that no matter how cold it gets, this very big squirrel is first at the bird feeder. Yes, this is Napoleon himself.